Cosmetic Reshaping
Background: It is quite common for individuals to feel that they have crooked teeth. Often, the APPEARANCE of crooked teeth can be greatly reduced by conservative, cosmetic re-contouring/reshaping of teeth. The primary impression regarding ‘crookedness’ of teeth is determined by the shape of the edges of the top/bottom front teeth against the darkness of the oral cavity behind them. By reshaping the edges of the top front teeth for this lady, it was possible to create the appearance of the teeth being less crooked and more pleasing.
Solution: Without any numbing of the teeth and taking only 10 minutes of chair time, we could reshape the edges of the top front teeth and create an immediate cosmetic improvement. This treatment option can be combined with tooth whitening procedures to even further enhance cosmetics.
Why this solution? The alternatives to this kind of reshaping of teeth include orthodontics (braces) and placing porcelain veneers. Both braces and veneers are significantly more involved in both time and expense. For this lady, cosmetic reshaping was the simplest, most time and cost effective procedure.